Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sensory Play


Sensory Activities are My favorite thing to do with Layla.  She loves touching, smelling, exploring all of the different things I give her. I have been doing Sensory Activities since she was little and i don;t plan on stopping any time soon.

I have Also been finding SO many more amazing activities on pinterest.com that I wouldn't have thought of on my own.  I can't believe all the creative Mothers out there!

I just wanted to share some of the fun activities that we HAVE done and also promote some of these other Bloggers pages-Because they are THAT amazing!


Layla Playing with Whipped cream at 12 months old.  

She loved smacking it and rubbing it on herself.  Dude(the Dog was more than happy to lap all the splatters up!), Surprisingly she didn't try to eat it even though i tried to encourage her to use as many senses as possible with this activity.


Baking is always a fun Sensory Activity.
I am not much of a baker myself but whenever I do attempt it, I always make sure that Layla is awake and gets to be involved.  She loves pouring all the ingredients in and mixing with her many wooden spoons.  And of course licking the spoon at the end!


Painting is one of Layla favorite things as well.

Finger Painting is more up her ally than anything else.  She LOVES getting messy and feeling the paint between her fingers.  The messy part is what we, as parents, have to get used to.  Its the best way for children to learn!!!


Here is a link if you would like to MAKE your own Play dough: 

 Growing a Jeweled Rose is one of my favorite Blogs!  She has so many amazing activities including a Massive list of Sensory activities to explore.



 Layla Played for about 45 minutes in the bath tub with Shaving Cream and food coloring.  It didn't stain and it was easy to wash off as soon as we were done.  As a Mom, I LOVE bath tub activities because the clean-      up is SO easy!!!!



This was a lot of fun and Layla thought it was so cool that she was painting with food.  As always with the painting activities i stripped her down and did it on the tile floor.  You will see where i got the idea in this woman's blog post.  Layla creations did not look like a rose presented in this bloggers post but she had fun just the same and that's all that matters.


Well those are some of the Activities that Layla and I have tried so far but we are not even close to done!  Check out these bloggers ideas and have some awesome Sensory Fun with your children!