Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Nap Time Drama

Anyone Else have Nap Time Drama with there little one?
I get all Cozy with Layla and give her a bottle and she falls peacefully asleep and THEN the dreaded Transfer happens.  I want to lay her in her bed so that i can get some things writing this blog for instance, but she has other plans.  As soon as i lay her down her cute little head pops up and she is reaching for me with all the strength her tired little body can muster.  Here wherein my problem lies..

Do I pick her up?
Do I cuddle with her again until she falls back asleep? and then try to transfer again?
Do I leave her in her crib and let her cry it out until she falls asleep?
If I choose to let her cry, for how long? When is enough enough and instead of laying down the law i am actually traumatizing the poor girl?
AND if i let her cry and it gets too much for me and I go back in and pick her up am i undoing all the progress i 'thought' i was making?

I was not planning on writing a Blog about this today but it seemed so appropriate when i was standing outside my daughters door while she was screaming her little head off and I couldn't help but thinking I was traumatizing her, and on the other hand not wanting her to think she can pull one over on me and cry until i get her out of her crib and she gets what she wants.

Eventually, after about 30 minutes of letting her cry, i went back in and rocked her back to sleep and made a successful transfer!  I struggled with this decision but it obviously worked out for the best.

I believe Children cannot really be spoiled at such a young age, they need to know that there parents are there and will be there when they need them.  At Layla's age babies are learning cause and effect, when i cry and I am upset then Mom will come and comfort me.  I also believe there is a balance to this.  You have to judge for yourself and use those motherly instincts to know whether or not this is a cry that means she really does need you or she is just trying to get what she wants.  Mothers Know there babies and know their cries, Trust yourself and do what you feel is right.  Motherly instincts are AMAZING in this area!

That is why i went back in and cuddled with my baby girl.  I know she needed the reassurance that i am still there and that it is OK to go back to sleep because i would be there when she woke up as well.  I stayed In her room and kept telling her over and over again that it was nap time and she needed to rest.  You may not think that a 9 month old can understand something like this but when it is put into context over and over again, day in and day out, she will soon understand that nap time means i am not leaving this room until i fall asleep and leave Mommy alone for a little while :-)
The really Amazing thing is....she's still asleep and i am done writing this blog:-)  Just a little more quiet time to get things done before she wakes up and plays for a little while and we have to start the whole Nap Time Drama all over again:-)

I Love being a Mom!  Best Job Ever!

And Here's Your COZYTHOUGHT for the day-
"A mother understands what a child does not say."  ~Author Unknown


  1. I love your thoughts on this, think you're right on. I always had a hard time with my babies, and with my grandbaby, and I know, I still have a problem with my grandbaby but I'll get better. Maybe.

  2. AMEN!! I have been in that situation many, many times! Silly little love bugs!
    I have never been able to let K cry it ou, I still struggle with that now! I just love her and want to show her love and refuse to believe she is trying to pull one over on me. Plus, she will only be a baby/toddler once! (don't get me wrong, sometimes ya just have to let them cry but it's soooooo hard!)
