Monday, May 7, 2012

Read to your Baby often

Every Mother knows That reading to their children is one of the most important things you can do, but it's hard sometimes when you cant even get your little one to sit still long enough for a diaper change let alone Story time.  

Then Don't make them.  Really, your little love bug does not have to sit completely still for multiple books to still get the benefit of you reading to them.  Babies(once they started crawling) are on the move and want to explore and by exploring they are learning more than you know, so trying to get them to sit for long periods of time is basically a no go.

Try these simple little tips to help you and your baby get the full benefit of Reading together...

#1. Don't make them sit still.
When you are playing with them on the floor, have a book ready and when your little one comes by and sits for a little while near you, read them a few pages.  It may not be the entire book, but when they are young content is not the concept of reading anyways(Not all the time at least).

Reading Aloud
-teaches a baby about communication
-introduces concepts such as stories, numbers, letters, colors, and shapes in a -fun way
-builds listening, memory, and vocabulary skills
-gives babies information about the world around them

 #2. Use Touch and Feel Books. 
Layla LOVES Touch and Feel Books and usually only sits still if that's what we are Reading.  Touch and Feel books engage Multiple senses which make it more interesting for the knowledge craving little one and more fun because it physically gives them something to do besides just sit and listen.
(These are just 2 of her favorite Touch and Feel Books, that i got at a consignment shop for a dollar a piece!

#3. Be aware of Their Moods. 
Sometimes babies just do NOT want to be read to at that moment in time.  They have too many other things that need to be explored and they need to do it RIGHT NOW.  At some point during the day they will want to sit and listen to a story and when they are, Be ready! and read to them as much as you can.

#4,  Have a toy on hand as well as a book.
It gives them something else to keep their attention and help them sit in one place while they get to hear your voice and start understanding the concept of sitting and listening to a story time.

#5. Use a Prop at Story Time.
I like to use Layla's sock Monkey while reading her books about Body parts and then have her point to the different body parts while i read the book.

This also incorporates #4 because it gives her something to pay attention to as well as the book.

#6. Let THEM turn the pages.
Layla's favorite thing to do is turn the pages in books.  I started helping her when she was only a couple months old and by the time she was 5 months old she would turn the pages on her own.  It's amazing to watch her wait until i stop reading a page and then comprehend that its time to turn the page and then do it..

#7. Use Funny Voices.
When Layla starts to lose focus on a book, i switch up my voice and most of the time i get an automatic head turn and she is interested yet again.  Change your voice multiple times while reading a book and give different emotions to different characters.  This helps their social and emotional development as well as give the other adults around you a little chuckle.

That's all for Today.  I hope these tips helped, i know they work for me:-)

1 comment:

  1. All is sooooo true! I have been reading to Caylyn since....well, not sure, prob around a month or so...always at night, before bed, and then as she got older, other times, and now she loves books. She will sit there and look through them on her own, or bring them over and sit in my lap, it's sooooooo great:)
