Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Signing Baby

     I know most mothers want to use sign language with there babies, it's on your To Do list of awesome mothering techniques your are going to use once your baby is born.  Then you have your baby, and in between diapers, feedings, spit up, crawling, walking, reading and everything else that happens in a babies life, you kind of get side tracked, and that baby sign language just doesn't seem as important or as easy to do as it did before your little munchkin actually arrived. 

I am here to say that it really is so much easier than you probably think.

All you really have to do is learn a couple signs for words you use pretty often and then when you are saying these words aloud implement the Sign along with it.

One of my FAVORITE websites for Baby Sign Language is...


This is where i have learned all the sign i use with Layla and all the basics for starting to use sign on an everyday basis.

Start Simple. With about 5 Signs.
What words do you say most often to your baby during the day?

1."Bottle" or "Milk", I use the sign for "milk" for bottle and you can also
 use it when you breastfeed, and when your baby starts
drinking actual milk, they already know the sign.

more baby sign2. "More"-  This is most kids favorite signs and it is a very simple one, you can use this when you are giving them food or reading them a book.  Whenever you are giving them the option if having "more" of something!

finished baby sign

3. "Finished" or "done"- This one is one of my favorites,
you can use it at all the same times you can use "more",
when your asking if he is "finished" eating.  Or if he is "done"
reading that book.

4. "Mommy"- Of course this is going to be one of the first signs you want your little one to learn, it was the first one i taught to Layla!

5. "Daddy", is very similar to "Mommy", most female and male signs are the same sign, the male sign is just done above the nose and then female below.  So the sign for "Daddy" is the same as the sign for "Mommy", just above the nose:-)

     Those are 5 Great signs to start off with.  As your Baby grows then you can teach them more and more signs.  I recommend always saying the word along with signing it.  The website i use has many more signs and even video showing you how to do the signs if it is hard to tell exactly from the picture!

Later This Week I am going to go into why signing with your baby is so beneficial, and maybe even show you a couple more fun signs to use throughout your Day!

I hope you all enjoyed this Post, Layla is up from Nap now though, so it is time for me to go:-)

Have a Wonderful day and here is your Cozy Thought.

 Babies are a link between angels and men.


1 comment:

  1. I am so thankful that I taught K the basics! Even though we are getting words now, it is GREAT to have signs until then, and to decipher the words sometimes ;)
