Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers Day to All You Fathers and Men who act like Fathers out there!!  You do an Amazing thing for the children you love! All children need a Father figure in their life whether it be their actual Dad or an Uncle, cousin, God-father, friend.....

I am lucky enough to have an Amazing husband and father to my beautiful daughter and would like to share some pictures of his First Fathers day!!

He spent most of his day actually watching ME in a play at the local community theater, so much for the day being all about him:-)  He is such a sport about it and said that his day was perfect anyways:-)

My parents were in town to see my show and we got to spend the whole weekend with family which is always nice since none of them live close!

Layla only got one nap since they spent a good part of the day watching my show so we put her to bed super early...the reason for the Pj's in broad daylight:-)

Although i know James would have loved relaxing and reading his book tonight, instead he took the time to bathe Layla, make her a bottle, read her multiple books and lay her down and was even the first one to get up and go running when she woke up crying.

I am bragging on my husband because i feel truly blessed and know that not all fathers are as dedicated and loving as he is:-)

Tell the fathers or father figures in your life how special they are to you, I know mine are to me!

1 comment:

  1. The reason I do what I do is because of who motivates me. That is the beautiful woman who runs this blog and Mamas Cozy Corner. She makes it seem like I do it selflessly but, we all have our passions in life, and she and Layla are mine.
