Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Your Child's Cues

Layla is now 11 months old, and she has started to hit.

Oh No!  I was not expecting my sweet little cuddly baby to have aggression like this.  She hits me, Daddy and the dog, she even hit Memere when she was here this past weekend.  I was flabbergasted and dumbfounded...I didn't think I was going to have to use the time-out method or discipline with her so early in her little life, and the truth is I don't!

Layla is not hitting because she's mad or showing aggression...I mean how can she have aggressive feelings before her first birthday!?!  I am "listening" to her CUES now, instead of being in shock that she was actually exhibiting this behavior and have realized that she's just TIRED!

Layla was trying to communicate with me.  She is 11 months old and not talking much yet so she did not know how to tell me she was ready for a nap.  Hitting was her way of getting my attention and letting me know what she wanted.  I took her to bed as soon as she started exhibiting this behavior today and she instantly layed down and went to sleep.

DUH!  How did I not get this sooner?

Now that I know why she is "showing out" and "making bad choices" I can help her to change that behavior into something positive.

I can teach her a way to communicate with me more effectively than using her hands!  As soon as I lay her down today i decided I would learn the sign for "nap" or "tired".  When she starts to show me she is tired in her usual negative way,hitting, I will show her the sign for "tired" and put her down for a nap.  This is showing her I understand what she needs but there is another way of expressing this me.

I will keep you updated on how Layla responds to this new method.  Also if you have realized that your child is exhibiting this same behavior please try this and update me on your child's progress!

The sign for "tired" is...

Here is the sign for "sleep"

Tired Baby Sign Language Flash card

Use the sign that you think will be easiest for your child, I think i am going to try the sing for "Tired" myself.

Again I will keep you updated on her progress and please keep me updated on yours!  Also comment If you have any questions at all:-)

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