Tuesday, August 7, 2012

"Lesson Plan" for Toddlers

I'm Baaaaaaaack!!  I am sorry I have been MIA for so long, we've been moving and then It was Layla's first birthday party and then I was just lazy for a couple weeks.

For those who don't know Jame's and I are having another Baby!!! Were officially in our second trimester and Very excited!!!

I am about to start going back to school so I making up a Schedule/Lesson plan for me to Follow with Layla during the day.  I am doing it a month in advance so it's all ready to go when i need it and I thought I would share it with all of you as well:-)

I am doing a monthly Theme of Colors and Shapes since these are the main things I am personally trying to teach my little one right now(as well as sign language,being gentle, manners....:-)

Yellow Month (shape-Circle)

Week One:
      Day1-Snack on Pineapples and talk about the color
      Day2-Make a collage with All Yellow Items
      Day3-Go outside and talk about the Sun and it's pretty color 
      Day4-Make a Sun art project(finger paint a white paper plate, cut out strips of yellow paper put a little glue on the end and let them stick them on the paper plate)Talk about the SHAPE of the plate as well as the color they are painting with.
      Day5-Wear ALL Yellow today and talk about it when picking out the outfit

Week Two:
      Day1-Make Lemon aid, Let them help by squeezing the lemons and of course talking about the color YELLOW.
      Day2-Play with YELLOW rubber ducks today in the bath tub
      Day3-Have Banana for a snack today(or any day for that matter), just remember to talk about what color it is.
      Day4-Make a Collage of Yellow Circles
      Day5-Have Mommy(or Daddy cut out a star shape) and color it with Crayons

Week Three:
      Day1-Have YELLOW eggs for breakfast(make it in the shape of a Circle, special for your little one)
      Day2-Cut YELLOW bell peppers in half and use them as stamps with Yellow paint Or just Free Paint with Yellow Finger paints,
      Day3-Go on a Nature walk and pick out all the YELLOW items you see outside.
      Day4-Make a Collage out of all your Yellow Nature Walk Items. (Can you tell I like Collages:-)
      Day5-Use Yellow Chalk to paint on the sidewalk(Make lots of Circles)

Week Four:
      Day1-Eat Corn today...YUMMY
      Day2-Tie Yellow streamers to Toddlers wrist(or let me hold it) and sing this song...
                     Sung to the Tune of "Farmer in the Dell"
      Fly your Yellow Up                         (put hands UP)
      Fly your Yellow Down                    (Put hands DOWN)
      Fly your Yellow All Around            (twirl around)
      Then Fly it Up and Down                (move hands Up and Down)
      Day3-Peaches for snack
      Day4-Talk about ALL the different kinds of Yellow Animals, find them in your books or toy box.
thumbprint bugs      Day5-Caterpillar Art- Finger prints with Yellow, instead of the red and green you see here. Add feet and antenna and you have a cute little caterpillar
Hope you enjoy Yellow Month with your Child.  Let me know how it goes and post any comments or other suggestions you might have for this theme!!

1 comment:

  1. You simply amaze me! You should be writing curriculums for elementary schools!!!
